Weapon Features

Two-Stage Match Trigger

All of the weapons available from Knight’s Armament come equipped with a 4.5lb, 2-Stage Match Trigger. This type of trigger mechanism uses a system where, during the rearward squeeze of a trigger, it cycles through two stages of resistance.

The first stage is a ‘no-poundage’ stage where hardly any resistance is felt during the rear-ward squeeze. There is a center point at which point resistance is felt and the second stage of the trigger begins. At this point, 4.5 pounds of force is required to squeeze the trigger through the second stage and cause the weapon to cycle.

Our 2-stage trigger is meant to inform a shooter of exactly where their weapon is going to fire. This bolsters a firer’s confidence and can also assist in reducing trigger jerk, thereby increasing accuracy. The 4.5lb 2-Stage Trigger from Knight’s Armament is a highly calibrated and smooth component that is sure to be a welcome addition to any setup.